Register for the First Annual My Subie Car Show
My Subaru of Muskegon is excited to announce the “My Subie Car Show” in collaboration with Orbis Overlanding! We will be hosting our first annual car show across the street from our dealership at My Carquest of Muskegon the morning of Saturday, May 21st from 10 am to 2 pm. There will be coffee and donuts available, local vendors to shop parts and more from, our community partners!
Pound Buddies and Heaven Can Wait will be collecting money and pet food donations (find out more information on their websites about what food they need). We’re so excited to see Subaru enthusiasts, pet lovers and more join us for this fun event!
At 2:30 Orbis Overlanding and members of the Third Coast Subies group will be leading a low impact 'trail' ride. Stock Vehicles Welcome!*
We will head up as a group to the Manistee National Forest right up at Twin Lakes and spend some time offroad. If you've never done this before, this is a great opportunity to go with a group of experienced drivers. All skill levels welcome! We'll plan to spend a little over an hour, leave when you must. Check in with Orbis Overlanding before 2pm at the event.
*Trail Ride not recomended for WRX or Street Modified Vehicles.